我的研究論文《Facing the era of smartness – delivering excellent smart hospitality experiences through cloud computing》榮幸地刊登於國際Hospitality領域TOP 1的SSCI期刊 – Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
國際知名企業在雲端運算的功能與服務上,均採用了服務導向的設計策略,這不僅提高了其可及性,還大幅減少了資通訊科技應用的門檻。如今,最新的技術應用,例如Generative AI、元宇宙平台、機器學習訓練、深度學習模型等,都可以在不需要高昂初期投資的情況下,即刻使用。我希望透過這篇論文,能再次強調在邁向智慧化的旅程中,資通訊基礎建設的關鍵性,以及最新、最前沿科技的可及性。
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Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management has a new article published:
Facing the era of smartness – delivering excellent smart hospitality experiences through cloud computing
This study aims to explore the role of cloud computing in the creation of smart hospitality experiences and bridge the existing gap in knowledge. The research adopts a mixed research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, to investigate and prioritize criteria that contribute to smart hospitality through cloud computing. Expert perspectives are utilized to develop a comprehensive two-dimensional cloud-based smart hospitality experience model with 14 sub-dimensions, highlighting the pivotal role of cloud computing in facilitating smart hospitality. The study uncovers the interrelations and relative weights among the criteria, shedding light on the fundamental significance of cloud computing in creating smart hospitality experiences. What sets this study apart is its focus on the untapped potential of cloud computing in the context of smart hospitality. It contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing theoretical insights for interdisciplinary hospitality operations and practical guidance for hospitality practitioners to achieve sustainable outcomes.
Congratulations to the author!!!
